We welcome your feedback about accessibility at Steelway and invite your comments or questions. You may provide your feedback in person, by telephone, in writing, or by delivering electronically by email, or otherwise to the Environmental Health & Safety Manager (EHS) or any Steelway Customer Service Representative.
Feedback may be provided to:
EHS Manager
7825 Springwater Road
Aylmer, ON, Canada N5H 2R4
Telephone: 519.765.2244, x1111
Fax: 519.773.7398
You are strongly encouraged to provide as much information as possible to Steelway about the event/concern, so that it can be readily identified by the Supervisor and/or Manager responsible for where the event/concern took place. Such information may include dates, times, names, contact information, a description of the event/concern, etc.
Your feedback will be reviewed and forwarded in accordance with the Steelway Feedback Process. A response will only be provided when deemed appropriate by the responsible Supervisor or Manager. Where a response is provided it will be given within a reasonable timeframe. Responses will be provided in the same format in which feedback was received whenever possible, unless the feedback requests otherwise.